
焦點國家:日本 | 本屆影展特別聚焦~
在這個數位化浪潮席捲的時代,今年特別選定 日本 為焦點國家,透過一系列精選的藝術紀錄片,帶您走進這個充滿獨特魅力的國度。
這次特別精選 PIA影展(Pia Film Festival,簡稱 PFF) 多部話題佳作,帶你一次感受日本新銳導演的創意與魅力!PIA 影展自 1977 年創立至今,是日本最具代表性的獨立影展,專門發掘電影界的新生代,推動獨立作品的誕生。這次我們精選 PIA 歷年優秀作品,全台首映!! 帶你走進青春熱血、細膩動人、甚至大膽挑戰的日本電影世界!
✨ 別錯過這場專屬日本的影像盛宴,一起來感受新世代導演的故事吧! ✨
🎥🌸 Focus Country: Japan | This Year’s Special Spotlight! 🌸🎥
In an era where digital transformation is reshaping our world, this year’s festival proudly highlights Japan as our Focus Country. Through a curated selection of artistic documentaries, we invite you to explore the unique charm and creative spirit of Japanese cinema.
This special program presents outstanding films from the PIA Film Festival (PFF), a renowned platform for emerging filmmakers. Since its founding in 1977, PFF has been Japan’s leading independent film festival, dedicated to discovering new talents and fostering independent film production.
For the first time, we are bringing a selection of PFF’s award-winning films to Taiwan, offering audiences an exclusive glimpse into Japan’s youthful passion, emotional depth, and bold storytelling!
✨ Don’t miss this exclusive showcase of Japan’s next-generation filmmakers! Experience their powerful stories and fresh perspectives on the big screen! ✨